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Sources for Finding Job Openings

Thanks to the internet, finding job listings is easier than ever before! However, due to the vast wealth of information out there, it can be hard to find the exact job you're looking for, so we've come up with a list of places to look when starting your job search.

  1. Networking- Job search networking is one of the most successful ways to find a new job, since you’re five times more likely to be hired if you’ve been referred by a current employee. To be honest it just makes sense that employers would prefer to hire someone known than a complete stranger. Reach out to your contacts - friends, family, neighbors, college alumni - anyone can provide a potential job lead. You can take a direct approach and ask for job leads or be less formal by asking for information and career advice. You might be surprised by your contacts, contacts!

  2. LinkedIn- LinkedIn is a powerful professional social network and a great resource for finding a new job. It's really important to take the time to build your LinkedIn profile and to build your connections. Your LinkedIn profile should read like a beefed up resume and the more completed it is, the more chances you will be found and contacted. Remember, the more connections you have, the better your chances are of finding someone who is connected to potential employers.

  3. Social Media- Using social media is a great way to boost your job search. There has been a huge increase in the number of employers that are using social media sites to recruit and to advertise for employees. Using social media sites as a networking tool can help you find unofficial job postings or find out about job openings through your online connections. Our best advice would be to start by creating and maintaining up-to-date comprehensive profiles on one of the three most commonly used social media sites: LinkedIn,  Facebook, and Twitter. Be cautious about what you post on your social media pages so as not to turn off potential prospects.

  4. Recruiters and Headhunters- Typically recruiters, staffing agencies, and headhunters help job seekers find a new job. Generally the employer is the one to pay the firms for their work upon hiring someone, however there are some agencies that will charge the job seeker.

  5. Classified Ads (like Craigslist)- Online classified ads, such as on sites like, can be very effective to find job listings do to the low cost of marketing there. However, just like with anything on the internet, exercise caution.  There have been numerous scam postings for nonexistent jobs. If a job listing sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Do your research on the companies before sending over sensitive information on your resume.

  6. School Alumni Groups- It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for your very first job or are ready to begin the next chapter in a decades-long career, reaching out to your alumni network will expand your job search horizon. Most schools offer some form of online social community, which is a great way to connect and network with other alumni members. Online career portals are often listed on alumni websites making it an easy way to use your alumni association to find a job.

  7. Google- Using Google can help you find a plethora of job opportunities. However, an unfocused job search will get you nowhere. You first need to decide what type of job you are interested in and then search for the common job titles typically used for that role. You should also include the location of where you want to work, to narrow down the search results to be more specific. Using Google might seem overwhelming at first, however it’s a method that can match you to your dream job.
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